Weekend Writing Warriors – #8sunday

wewriwa_square_3In Pain and Blood continues for the month as I try to finish what’ll hopefully be the final 14 chapters. Can’t believe the darn thing hit 260k yesterday…

As always, if you want the raunchier chapters, as well as the ordinary ones earlier, then consider signing up for my spellster series exclusive newsletter.

For now, my dear Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday Folk, here’s another teaser.

Blurb: When a routine inspection goes awry, Dylan is left unleashed and alone. Afraid he’ll become prey for the King’s Hounds, he struggles to make his way back to the only safety he’s ever known. Or is it?

This piece carries on from the previous one where Dylan gets himself between two guys with daggers…

[Dylan] pushed a palm against the hound’s chest, trying to force the man back. “Track, please. Sheath it.”

The man frowned at him, clearly unwilling to relinquish his hold on the dagger. His gaze darted from Dylan’s face to the others standing behind Sulin. Finally, he yielded to Dylan’s touch and returned the blade to its sheath.

“Do you even know what that man is?” Sulin snapped before raising his voice towards Tracker. “How many lives did your blade take, murderer?”

Don’t forget to check out the other excerpts at Rainbow Snippets, too.

35 thoughts on “Weekend Writing Warriors – #8sunday

    1. Heh. And it’s only over a few months… But then, some days take two and four chapters.
      It’s looking quite possible that I’ll reach 280k by the time I hit the end, if not come very close to it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Mmm, it’ll be close to 280k by the time I’m done. That would usually be about three/four novels for me. I have considered it, making a trilogy (or series) within a series, but this story just begs to be one piece.
      Although, I am seriously thinking this is the real neverending story.


      1. My copy of the Lord of the Rings -is- one book. I’ve never read it any other way. It’s a little awkward to read from though, over a thousand pages. But some of that is all the darn appendices. I think the story itself is closer to 500k.

        Now Robert Jordan’s Eye of the World was printed as one and is something like 300k. And A Game of Thrones is around the same length. I’m in good company.


  1. I suddenly don’t feel so bad about my roughly 215k story… And still counting, but I only have four chapters left to it now. (It’s only been almost three years working on it…) You’ve got me beat, I’m impressed.

    This guy certainly isn’t a fan of Tracker. I wonder why though and the background that leaves him to the assumption he’s a murderer.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. *GASP* I haven’t read this yet! And I missed the previous one!! GAH! Must read faster! AND YAY! The tower people live! *fangirl shrieking*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. *snicker* Chronologically, I’ve not yet reached this chapter, but I’m very close. And yes, a few did. Not without cost, though. That’s what And the World Crumbled will focus on.


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