Weekend Writing Warriors – #8sunday

wewriwa_square_3Well, I managed to finish chapter two sometime last weekend, largely due to breaking it at a logical point and moving the rest into a new chapter (oh, that sounds so terrifyingly familiar, please don’t do an IPaB on me). So I’m now halfway through chapter three during this week’s Weekend Writing WarriorsSnippet Sunday and Rainbow Snippets.


This week’s snippet carries on from the previous week’s from chapter two of To Target the Heart, with Darshan bemoaning that his mission in Tirglas is not to “sleep with the locals”.


Not that such a minor detail had stopped him before. If this was anyplace other than Tirglas, he likely would’ve already propositioned the man. Perhaps even had a chance to feel what was under all that clothing.

“And here we are.”

The man’s declaration had Darshan jolting out of his little fantasies to scrutinise the surrounding corridor. Nothing about the bare slabs of stone suggested there was any difference to the rest of the castle they’d passed through. However did the people get around without becoming altogether lost?

Hamish faced him as he opened the door to what Darshan could only assume to be the guest accommodations. “I doubt it’s quite what you’re used to, your imperial highness, but it’ll be better than a ship’s cabin.”

Offering up a small smile, Darshan casually leant on the doorframe in a vain attempt at pretending his legs hadn’t just weakened at the mere sound of the man’s smooth brogue.

Don’t forget to check out the other excerpts.


If anyone’s wondering how I envision Darshan…

Darshan vris Mhanek
By Shamine King

34 thoughts on “Weekend Writing Warriors – #8sunday

  1. Nice description and introduction to the characters. Darshan’s determination not to sleep with the locals isn’t going to last long if this snippet is anything to go by. Love the character illustration.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This dude needs to get his libido under control or he’s may make a mess of trouble for himself.

    BTW, my link didn’t make it to the list (though Teresa is retroactively adding it). My post is here.


  3. Nothing like a good brogue to send shivers down the spine. So glad you’re chugging along on your story. Keep it up!


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