Weekend Writing Warriors – #8sunday


Continuing with the wip, To Poison a Prince, for snippets.

For those of you catching up… Darshan and Hamish are a pair of thirty-something princes from two vastly different lands who are now travelling through the ginormous Udynea Empire that Darshan is from on their way to the capital.


This one is carrying on from last week, where Darshan mentioned his half-sister.

To top it off, his homicidal sibling had invited them to her estate this evening under the guise of a soirée. She’d even seen that it was held in honour of his approaching birthday so he couldn’t ignore the blasted invite. At least, it would be bad form to refuse. He could just see it now, all the vicious rumours she would spread about Hamish’s influence on their vris Mhanek in Darshan’s absence.

Huffing, he once more unrolled the scroll bearing the now-broken seal of a vlossina. Being the only one of the Mhanek’s daughters who resided in this dismal city, she hardly needed to use it or the signature on the bottom of the letter. To have both marking the parchment hinted at uncertainty in her status. As she should be.

The invite was curt and as two-faced as its inscriber. And for her to explicitly talk about him bringing Hamish? Dying to meet him.

Don’t forget to check out the other excerpts at Weekend Writing Warriors, Snippet Sunday or Rainbow Snippets.


Hamish is finally free to live with the man who won his heart.
If only someone didn’t keep trying to ruin his happily-ever-after.


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