Rainbow Snippets: Just like the staff

Rainbow Snippets is a Facebook group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week and share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation.

Tracking Trouble will be taking a little break for the next few months as I share snippets from my upcoming novella, Someone Else’s Shoes. It’s a retelling of Cinderella set in the spellster universe.

This snippet continues on from last week, where Alla spoke about the collar keeping her from using her magic…

Even back when the chain first graced Alla’s neck, it hadn’t been lost on her that some of the newly bought people her stepmother added to the household staff wore collars made of the same metal. Especially amongst those who worked the fields.

She had tried numerous times throughout her teen years to remove the impediment before concluding it just wasn’t possible. Not of her own will. The chain consisted of naught but continuous loops, each one too thick to break naturally, with no actual clasp to be had. There were tools in the shed that could’ve aided her freedom, but using any great deal of force also risked the metal exploding.

Alla will return next weekend with more of Someone Else’s Shoes. In the meantime, check out these other snippets.

If you’re looking for more news of my books, be sure to “Like” my Facebook page and/or join me in my Facebook group!

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