Rainbow Snippets: Perfectly normal…

Rainbow Snippets is a Facebook group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week and share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation.

Being a sequel, In Love and Death is set directly after In Pain and Blood. Some snippets will contain spoilers of those events.

Following last week’s snippet…

Tracker didn’t understand the panic widening the spellster’s eyes. The others had to know the man was an actively sexual being. Or maybe they didn’t hear him with the warrior as clearly as Tracker. But the woman wasn’t shy about making it known and Dylan was nowhere near as jittery when it came to her advances.

Was the man embarrassed to have engaged in such an act? He recalled Dylan admitting the tower did explain sex to them—a topic they clearly couldn’t ignore, when they’d all manner of people within their walls—whilst the overseers also stressed that it was discouraged. Surely, the tower had also taught them that any feelings they had regarding their attraction, or lack of, to another was a perfectly normal thing to occur.

I’ll see you all with more from In Love and Death next week. In the meantime, check out these other snippets.

If you’re looking for more news of my books, be sure to “Like” my Facebook page and/or join me in my Facebook group!

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